20. The Journey Of Your Life – Part I

Are you ready to take the journey of your life?
We suggest you buckle up because there is a difficult terrain ahead.

First and foremost, who is driving?
You, your Ego, your Soul, who?
Hey, it’s not even you in the driver’s seat.
Who have you empowered to drive you in your journey of your life?

We can’t see clearly – is it your father, your mother, your brother, your sister, your uncle, your aunt, your cousin, your boss, your friend, your enemy, your ex-partner, your current partner, your children?

Who have you allowed to drive you in your journey of your life?

Can you stop this vehicle and get that other driver out of the driving seat?

Can you?

You say they won’t go; that they are in charge. What? In charge of driving you in your vehicle in your journey of your life? How did they get permission to take over from you, in your vehicle, driving you through the journey of your life?

Sorry, can you speak up, We could not hear you clearly – you mumbled something about permission. Oh, you gave them permission to drive your vehicle through your journey of your life.

Now why would you want them to do that – to be your driver in your journey through your life?

So, if We understand you correctly – they promised you they would give you love if you did what they wanted you to do – even though it was in their best interests but definitely not in your best interests.

Let’s call a spade a spade now.

This person driving your vehicle in the journey of your life said, or implied, the following:

“I want to give you love, however, in exchange, I want you to give me permission to be able to control and manipulate you so I can get what I want and you will be satisfied knowing that I love you.”

Well, We think the vehicle of the journey of your life just had a blowout of your right front tyre! Can the driver of your vehicle control it without crashing it? Sorry about the crash! Now, if We have ever heard a definition of conditional love that was it!

Let’s hear it again:

“I want to give you love, however, in exchange, I want you to give me permission to be able to control and manipulate you so I can get what I want and you will be satisfied knowing that I love you.”

Is that still acceptable to you – living your life in conditional love? Do you want to see this “accident”, this crash as a life changing moment?

If so, listen carefully:

Please go back and read “Betrayal of Trust – You are not a Victim“. This will explain to you why and how you allowed someone else to be the driver of your vehicle in your journey of life.

It is very important that you fully understand this lesson – that you betrayed you – however, through finding the unconditional love inside of you, for you, you can resume your rightful place as the driver of Your vehicle through the journey of Your life.

We now need to explain, in simple introductory terms, the concept of mirrors in your life.
We will deal with mirrors in greater detail in another lesson soon, however for today, for now, accept that the person who was driving your vehicle when it crashed was someone who was a mirror to you.

This person you allowed to drive your vehicle, this person you empowered to run your life, this person who has been giving you conditional love, was you! Yes you – mirrored as this person. This person, no let us be the Spiritual Beings We are, this Angel in your life, was simply holding up the mirror of your life you wanted and needed to see.

We know this is “earth shattering” news to you but as We are not of the earth, but in Spirit, We can see this “Bigger Picture”. First things first, your concept of Angels needs redefining. Not all Angels come as beautiful cherubs with wings fluttering in the light. Some come as murderers, rapists, adulterers, abusers.

Now you must be really confused!

So, We ask you to trust Us here and allow Us to visit you another time to discuss, and explain to you, who Angels really are. (see Was That An Angel?)

Remember to TRUSTTo Rely Unto Spirit Totally

We are now going back to the person, this Angel, your designated driver of your vehicle of your life’s journey, who just crashed your vehicle, yes that person, the one you empowered to give you conditional love. Got it now? That person is holding up your mirror to you.

That person is reflecting the parts of you that you have to own.
This is the difficult terrain you have to drive over now.

Are you now ready to resume your rightful place as driver of your own vehicle in the journey of your life?

Before We go further with you now and discuss the concept of mirrors of your life, you just have to get comfortable for a while learning to drive your vehicle of your life, knowing that all the love you need is inside of you. Knowing that, until you can feel the unconditional love inside of you, you cannot obtain your driver’s license to drive your own vehicle.

For you to drive through the difficult terrain of the “Hall of Mirrors in your Life” you have to be equipped to feel unconditional self-love. We have given many lessons produced on this website, GuideSpeak.com, dealing with discovering the unconditional love inside of you.

We recommend you master those teachings before you are ready to take the journey of your life with the real You as the rightful driver of Your vehicle.

When you are ready you can go to The Journey of Your Life Part II

We wish you well, very well indeed.

WELLWonder Evolving Light Love

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