45. You No Longer Need The Security Of Past Conditioning

You crave security of the known. There is little uncertainty in the known. There is a comfort zone in the known.

No matter that you may be unhappy in the known it feels safe, or safer, than the unknown does.

The security of the known could be a place of harmony or bliss for you. The security of the known could be a place of disharmony or hell (HELL Having Excluded Light Love), for you.

However, it is known, not uncertain, it gives you a sense of comfort, it is the security of the known past conditioning.

You could be in a relationship, job, career, in various stages of good or bad, health, wealth, happiness, unhappiness, etc., etc. However, it is known, not uncertain, it gives you a sense of comfort, it is the security of the known past conditioning.

You could be in an abusive victim relationship. You could hate your job; despise your chosen career path feeling trapped and unfulfilled. You may have poor health, know lack of material wealth, and be miserably unhappy with your life.

But it is known, not uncertain, it gives you a sense of comfort, it is the security of the known past conditioning.

Where is your opportunity to grow and evolve in the known past conditioning? What you currently know creates a lid on discovering new things. You are comfortable with what you know. You dont want to feel discomfort by discarding what you know and exchanging this known for the uncertainty of the unknown.

Your inability to want to CHANGE Clearing Healing And New Gifts Emerging – will limit your ability to grow, evolve and heal yourself from the misery that you may experience everyday as you cling possessively to the known abuse, hurt, failure that your life may have become.

Your need for security stems from your fear of failure in the future. This projection of failure into the future comes from experiencing failure in the past.

However, the past and the future are illusions of time. They are ego-based, ego-controlled and manipulated to keep you in a constant state of FEAR False Evidence Appearing Real.

This EGO Edging God Out thrives and can only breathe in the air of fear.

There is no past and there is no future there is only NOW (see Lessons 46, 47 and 48 in the Book of Evolving Relationships)

In this Now is where God, Spirit, Soul, Love are. Nowhere else! By learning to stay in the Now, you can experience all you ever wanted. Love is Who You Really Are as you are part of God and God is Love. All you have ever wanted is to be Who You Really Are, at Soul level, that is LOVE Let Our Vibrations Evolve.

How do you become Love and not Fear? You become LOVE by Let Our Vulnerability Emerge.

Stand in your integrity. Be integrated with God, with Love. Expose your vulnerabilities to the Light. Bring out all your fears and being vulnerable with those you TRUST To Release Unto Spirit Totally and then To Rely Unto Spirit Totally, allow those FEARS False Evidence Appearing Real to shrivel up and die forever when exposed to the TRUTH (To Remember Unconditionally Through Healing and To Reach Unto The Heavens) and the LIGHT (Let I Go Heaven To).

By letting your vulnerabilities emerge, you learn to expose yourself in trust. You learn that there is nothing to fear except for fear itself.

By being vulnerable, allow yourself to purge yourself by letting go of the familiar known pain and misery, that ego created fear which imprisoned you.

By letting go of the need for security of the known past conditioning you empower yourself to live in the Now.

In the Now, you can connect to your Soul, your Spirit, your God, your Love and become Who You Really Are.

By living in the Now, you can learn to TRUST To Release Unto Spirit Totally and then To Rely Unto Spirit Totally. When you live in the Now you experience Love, you feel God, because feelings are the language of the Soul. In the Now, you are Soul, no longer Ego that can only exist in the illusions of the past and of the future.

When you live in the Now, coming from Soul, coming from Love, you learn to trust that God will give you everything you need (not want) when you need it. The timing is always perfect.

At this level of acceptance and surrender, by living in the Now, only Love is present, there is no fear.

By trusting God to give you everything you need, you, as co-creator of your life with God, have to continually make a CHOICECourageously Helping One In Choosing Evolvement.

Providing the choice that you make in every present moment of Now is What Would Love Do Now? then as your fellow co-creator, God, will give you what you need to experience Being Love in every present moment of Now.

If you are continually Being Love and living in the Now then what need do you have for security of the known past conditioning?

Why limit yourself with the security of known past conditioning?

Learn to live in the Now. Learn to trust and to live in the wisdom of insecurity, the wisdom of uncertainty as unlimited new opportunities unfold themselves at your feet.

Why limit yourself with the security, and limitations, of the known past?

Choose to live in the Now, choose to be Love, trusting that God will give you everything you need when you need it. The opportunities are limitless as God is limitless. Learn to Let Go and Let God give you what you need when you need it.

You can now look forward to no longer needing security of the known past conditioning as you learn to trust God to give you what you need when you need it.

Live in the Now and choose What Would Love Do Now?

Trust the Process. Stay in the Now. Be Love.

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