44. C’mon Kids Join The Respect Revolution

Today We would like to address the students. Today We would like to talk to the students, pupils, the learners at school. The subject We would like to discuss is the subject of RESPECT.

RESPECT means Recognizing Each Soul Politely Ensuring Correct Tribute.

Each one of you here today in this hall, in which We address you We would like you to think very carefully before answering by raising your hand.

The first question is:

1.Do you receive the respect that you require and the respect that you deserve from the people in your life your parents, your brothers and sisters, your family members, your friends, your fellow pupils, from your teachers and from your community at large?

All of those of you who consider that you receive the respect that you require and the respect that you deserve from all these people, We would like you to raise your hands.

As you can see if you look around the hall, there are only a handful of you raising your hands. Most people in this hall do not receive the respect that they perceive that they require and deserve.

The next question to you is this:

2.Do you give others the respect that they require and the respect that they deserve? Once again, do you give respect to all the people in your life your parents, your brothers and sisters, your family members, your friends, your fellow pupils, your teachers and your community at large?

Do you give the respect that all those people in your life require and the respect that they deserve? Once again, We ask you to raise your hands if you do give such respect to all those others. Once again, We do not see many hands in the air.

From this, you can see that you are not receiving and you are not giving respect the respect you want. The respect, which will allow you to feel good about yourself.

However, respect starts with self-respect. You have first to give yourself respect. To do that, obviously while being true to yourself, you have to think, say and do things, which will create that respect. Be honest with yourself and ask yourself right now: What do I respect about myself?

After you have thought through that now ask yourself: What dont I respect about myself?

Then start formulating an action plan to further develop the things you think, say and do which create respect within you.

After that an action plan to reduce the things you think, say and do which don’t create respect within you.

Now that We have helped you improve your self-respect We turn to how to help you receive the respect you require and the respect you deserve from all the people in your life.

Question No. 3:

Who among you would like to receive the respect that they deserve and the respect that they require? Please raise your hands in the air if you wish to be respected by others in your life.

Now We see a healthy dose of hands in the air. Good, now We can show you how to achieve that. It’s so simple, even a small child can do it. In fact, it is what a small child does!

Have you ever seen a small child listening to someone bigger telling a story? The child keeps quiet, keeps very still and with wide eyes stares at the bigger person enraptured with the story they are hearing. And who can’t help feeling good when you have that attention riveted on you? The story teller picks up the child afterwards, hugs, and kisses it because its riveting attention on them made them feel good.

It’s as easy as ABC Always Be Concentrating!

If you want to gain respect you first have to give respect. Let Us repeat that. If you want to gain respect you first have to give respect. The same with anything in life. If you want to have a friend, first you have to be a friend. If you want to earn anything, first you have to put in the work. By giving, you receive.

So how do you give respect? Remember the example of the small child. You have been given two ears and one mouth. Listen twice as much as you talk. When you listen, learn to listen attentively with your whole body really listen. Listen with your ears, listen with your eyes, listen with your hands, listen with your feet, and listen attentively with your whole body. Listen with respect.

Make sure your ears are hearing, make sure your eyes are only focussed on the person you are listening to, make sure your mouth is closed and especially that you are not interrupting them by speaking when they are speaking or taking a breath between sentences. Ensure your hands are not fidgeting and distracting you or the person you are listening to. Ensure your legs and feet are still. Is your whole body listening attentively and thereby giving respect? Remember the enraptured small child example.

When that person talking to you is being given respect by you then they feel respected and validated by your undivided attention. When they are finished talking they will now give you respect, in return, listening attentively to what you have to say.

When you have both, or all, listened and talked there is now a newfound respect and understanding of Who You All Really Are. By being able to truly say what you really feel you can become more vulnerable, more trusting of the other person, or people.

These people, or person, in turn can also feel more trusted by you and they, in turn, can become more vulnerable entrusting you with what they really feel.

You have all reached a place where you are not talking from your egos but talking from your Souls.

These Souls are Who You Really Are Now. This is the Part of God inside of you all individually and now collectively.

So the respect you are giving and the respect you are receiving is because you are tapping into each other’s Souls where only Truth exists.

By talking and listening at Soul level, friendships can begin to be formed. The basis of friendship is respect, from respect can flow admiration, from admiration can flow trust, from trust can flow love.

Love means Let Our Vibrations Evolve.

When you have love you become the Part of God You Really Are because God is Love.

So by simply listening, like an enraptured child, to someone, you open the door to allow respect, understanding, admiration, friendship, trust, love and God into your life.

Can it be so simple?

Can you really gain what you have always wanted, Respect by simply listening attentively to others?

Is it too difficult to believe? Then why don’t you try it?

Here is Our 21-day free trial offer?

For the next 21 days listen twice as much as you speak. But listen attentively. If after 21 days you don’t feel more respected, more understood, more admired, more friendly, more trusting, more loving and more like God is on your side now, then: (roll the drums!)

We will allow you to have your old life back! The life where you felt not respected by those people in your life, as you stated when you did not raise your hand at Our question No. 1 Do you receive the respect you require and the respect you deserve?

The 21-day free trial period is renewable. Start it whenever you want, repeatedly, until you achieve the respect you require and the respect you deserve.

RESPECT means Recognizing Each Soul Politely Ensuring Correct Tribute

Cmon, kids who wants to be a part of the Respect Revolution? Make a stand right now! Stand up all those who want to start their 21-day free trial offer now.

Cmon, be a part of the Respect Revolution and give yourself a standing ovation!


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