38. Losing Or Gaining?

If you consider that in your evolving relationships you have suffered loss through deceit then you consider yourself to be a victim.

If the meaningful other in your relationship has been lost to you either by moving out of your sacred space consciously or unconsciously. By that We mean deliberately leaving you for greener pastures or leaving you because the light you have become is too bright for their darkness to be comfortable with, so they move away further into the darkness, away from the light.

Those who consider themselves fortunate in moving away to greener pastures have forgotten that the reason that the pastures are greener is because that is where the manure is!

Let Us look at what you have perceived to have lost with this person moving away from you. If the person is the party that caused the unhappiness in the relationship by doing something that was deceitful, untrustworthy, distasteful and proved to be unworthy of you then what have you lost?

Have you lost someone that your can’t trust?
Have you lost someone that you have lost respect for?
Have you lost someone you no longer like or love?

Then what have you lost?
Is that really a loss?

The basis of friendship is respect, trust, honor, love. If there is no respect, trust honor or love then what have you lost? All you have lost is someone you cannot respect, trust, honor or love so We ask again “What have you lost?”

Your feelings of loss are based on your insecurities. Your feelings of loss, which are based on insecurities, could possibly be financial, emotional and physical. Your feelings of loss are based on familiarity and comfort zones. Your feelings of loss are based on discomfort of the unfamiliar.

Your feelings of loss are based on the fear of loss not on the loss itself. It is time for you to have faith and belief. It is time for you to have TRUST – To Release Unto Spirit Totally and then To Rely Upon Spirit Totally It is time for you to know, learn and remember that God will always give you what you need, when you need it. Based on this understanding and learning to trust, there is no need for you to have any form of insecurity and any form of loss. Once again, We refer you to the Law of Faith. If you truly believe that you are part of God, that you and God are One, that God is love and you are love then there is nothing to fear. You will never lose anything that is meant for your Higher Good.

The loss that you have gone through was designed to show you your worthiness. To show you that the only love that you require is the love inside of you, your unconditional self-love and so now We turn to Gain.

What have you gained? You have gained control of your sacred space. You have gained knowledge thatĀ GAIN stands for God And I Now. You have gained knowledge that you are part of God, that God is love and you are love. You have gained the knowledge that there is nothing to fear if you know you are love. You have gained the awareness of your conscious decision making ability to respond not react to circumstances. You have gained awareness of your spiritual nature, that you are a Spirit with a body, not a body which has occasional spiritual interludes. You are Spirit first and foremost occupying a body on the earth’s plane. You have gained conscious awareness of your worthiness, of your unconditional self-love.

You have gained awareness that you need to be whole and complete within yourself. You cannot rely on others to complete you or to be dependent on others to complete you. You must complete yourself.

When you are whole and have your own self-love, then you can find someone who is also whole, who also has their own self love and together you can create the synergy of real love based on mutual respect, trust and love.

You have gained the knowledge that you can be happy and you do not need to be right. You have gained the knowledge that you can move from Ego to Soul by saying “What would love do now?”

You have gained the knowledge that the only meaning anything has is the meaning that you give it.

You have gained the knowledge that feelings are the language of your Soul and that God speaks this universal language.

You have gained the knowledge that everything you need is inside of you. Your unconditional self-love comes from inside of you. You have gained the knowledge that people in love do not hurt each other. You have gained the knowledge that everyone is an Angel, that every Soul which houses a body is an Angel in Spirit, on earth.

You have gained the knowledge that everything that is in your sacred space is a mirror reflection of yourself and those mirrors can be used on your journey towards worthiness as you seek to grow, evolve and heal.

You have gained the knowledge of how to change your belief system about you. You have gained the knowledge that you cannot change anyone else. At best you can only change yourself as you come from Ego to Soul by thinking, saying and doing “What would love do now?”

You have gained the knowledge that you can move from Ego to Soul, you can move from “I want” to “You need”.

You have gained the knowledge that you can hear with your Soul not only with your ears. Hearing from your Soul means coming from love saying “What would love do now?”

You have gained the knowledge that vulnerability is your greatest strength and that is a very strong gain.

One of your biggest gains is understandably that your attitude and your intentions are the driving focus that bring your thoughts into creative reality. You have gained the knowledge that age is to be revered, respected, honored and becauseĀ AGE is not a function of numbers but stands for Always Growing Evolving, so it pays to respect people who are always growing and evolving so you can learn from them.

One of the greatest gains you have achieved is that you are not on the side of right or wrong, you are on the side of healing. The side of healing only has one side, not two sides. It is like a ball which only has one side. The outside is the same as the inside. What you are on the inside reflects on the outside.

You have gained the knowledge that you are not a victim but a beneficiary. A victim is one who suffers loss and a beneficiary is one who has encountered gain.

Knowing that GAIN stands for God And I Now and that should be the only gain you require now, knowing that God is your partner as you create your own reality.

So, in conclusion, there is no loss there is only gain and what appears to be loss is gain after a suitable time has elapsed. Everything happens for the best; it is purely a function of time until that becomes evident.

In balancing the books between what you have lost and what you have gained, as your relationships evolve, know that your gains far exceed your perceived loss. You now have a solid foundation on which to build your future through your attitude and through your intentions. May you always remember GAINGod And I Now. God is love, you are part of God, you are love, and so you gain in that knowledge.

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