
We initially connected with a person going through a devastating period of his life as his 18 year old marriage was shattered by certain revelations in July 2004. Because of his spiritual faith he chose a spiritual approach as a solution within hours of hearing of these revelations.
We identified that he would be a good Channel to communicate with and through when required to evidence certain truths to the other parties involved within his family and wider environs.

This Channel had chosen to remain anonymous since June 2005 when this website was created. Nine years later he has now decided to step out of the shadows of anonymity as his newer writings on require a personality to be presented to the readers of his 12 free e-books.
The 6 free e-books which comprise were all written during the period March – June 2005 while the Channel was also running his global business. The downloading of information and knowledge from Us and transcribing, creating and editing over 600 pages into an Internet website, while managing a large staff and business workload plus holding a family together in Love – all within 90 days- obviously needed some guidance from Us!
During the period 2010 – 2013, the Channel wrote and compiled 6 new books, in addition to the 6 free e-books on this website.
This channeling is now automatic and has helped the Channel write such books as How to Live in the Now; Being Loved Unconditionally; How to be a Great Negotiator; How to Survive and Thrive as an Entrepreneur vol. 1 as well as compile two other books 5000 Years of Wisdom and a more light hearted Spiritual Laughter vol 1.

These books are all provided by the Channel as free e-books and are found on the sister website –
These two websites are interchangeable as the knowledge flows freely from to where the more practical guidance is applied in a “How to” format.
For more information about the Channel please visit

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